Waiting Season

Not quite sure what I'm waiting for exactly, but I am trying to be OK in the not-exact things in life. I have the tendency to dream and plan set expectations for my present and future life, but such strict guidelines often leave me disappointed or overwhelmed. 

Waiting is what we make of it. Sure, it can be painful and confusing at times, but these seasons are necessary for a closer walk with Jesus. If a sapling is over watered, the root systems never stretch deep. The roots remain just below the surface of the soil and they don't establish solid grounding. The dry seasons are our opportunity to dig deep into God's promises--to search for livings waters of joy. God desires for His people to be rooted and grounded in His unfailing love.

I am slowly learning that I don't have to know the exact ending. There is beauty in the here and  now. The everyday processes of life and relationships and communion with God all give us a deeper understanding of God's grace and mercy.  There is so much to be grateful for  right now. The place that God has us right now, that in between stage, can be awkward, but it really is just life...you can't change the seasons.

True joy is hard to come by if we aren't content with where God has us in this moment. the fight to always be better, achieve more, produce more, be stronger is the opposite attitude of contentment. 

Rest in God. Let Him quiet you by His love.

What are we waiting for? Let's embrace the wait.


Anonymous said…
Amen, sister!

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