Behind Those Eyes

What is going on behind those eyes? The intensity of your face reveals the intensity of your heart. Beyond the mask of anger and confusion I see a heart of love and sensitivity. Don't forget who you were created to be--you have a special place in this world. Take time to be still and quiet your mind in the midst of the craziness. Life is easier when you aren't constantly fighting what is.
You are getting older and you are entering a new phase in your life. Oh, junior high. Awkward, yes, but you will definitely learn a lot.
I hope you spend time enjoying your youth. Discover your dreams, your passions, your talents. Don't get carried away with the pressures of this world. Learn to love simplicity and creativity. Let God work in your life. He can give you the courage to overcome obstacles and run the race with endurance. Make room for His grace.
Behind your eyes, is a beautiful, moldable, lovable soul. A heart that longs to experience deep connection and belonging.
You belong have a purpose. Thanks for being you.


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