
I love how God shows us His love in seemingly simple eating a chocolate-chip cookie. I'd like to say that it is deeper than enjoying the taste of butter and sugar and chocolate (yes, there is SO much more to His love than this!), but right now it is just that simple.

Accept God's love, and praise Him for who He is. Enjoy God even when everything in me wants to fight and question and blah, blah, blah.
Have you ever been there, been in that place where it is difficult to just eat a chocolate-chip cookie? Nothing tastes right, somehow all of your senses are dampened and confusion breathes down the back of your neck, but there is nothing to be confused about, except your own confusion?

(insert deep breath here)

The AMAZING thing about resting in God's love is that it quiets all of that. God is gently reminding me that I have to focus on His mercies that are new every morning(I have to, because otherwise I'll work myself into a frenzied daze). 

His love moves beyond the mountain of me, and He allows me to TASTE and see His goodness...


Anonymous said…
Let me just tell you how crazy my week has been, no you can read the post. I'm trying to move on! UGH!

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