
I trying not to hate winter, really I'm not. 

For some reason, today seemed extra dismal. 
It was dark at one in the afternoon, and the wind whines on and on.
It took everything to crawl out of my warm nest of a bed.

Yes, I know, this all sounds quite depressing. 
Who knows, maybe I have a touch of SAD?

But before I invest in a high-powered UV light or hit the tanning beds, I must remind myself of God's faithfulness.
Just because the sun doesn't shine bright and warm, it is still there (cliche I know).
It's similar to our relationship with Christ...sometimes our emotions don't match with the Truth.
BUT GOD, He remains the same. His love never ceases to shine. His mercies are new every morning, even the mornings when the sun doesn't greet you. Oh, how I need constant reminders of His steadfastness in my life.
Throughout my day, I am bombarded with waves of sadness that I cannot explain. Where is this coming from? Why am I feeling this? 
BUT GOD is always waiting for me to cease the questioning and simply reach for Him.
He doesn't need an explanation, He already knows.
He just wants our open, willing heart.

God, make me willing to be willing...


GV said…
good word sistah
Anonymous said…
Tell me about it! Winter has been grueling this year. I saw a robin last week and did a little dance, then it snowed the next day! ARGH! Soon Spring will burst forth!
Anonymous said…
thanks for the comment you left on my CSA blog! i've been very encouraged by the enthusiastic response overall. you should try browsing vegetable seed catalogs from some relief from winter blues. (:

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