Write What You Know

I never know what to write on this blog. I think I'm trying to make it something that it's not. I'm trying to make this blog pretty and simple, sticking to just roses and happy little happenings in my day-to-day. I love roses and snapshots of my life, but I also want to share my journey that is more that just paint and paper and glue.

Yes, simplicity is wonderful. Sweet moments in life are worth treasuring. But the struggle and redemption also needs attention.

Sometimes I'm not sure exactly what I should and shouldn't post on this blog. I'm trying to find the balance between personal revelations and artistic endevours.

Everything is connected in our lives. Emotions and thoughts and temperments and personalities all impact the creative process. Art changes because we change. Sometimes the themes are dark and poigant. Sometimes child-like and sincere.

It all tells a story. I want to share some of the deeper elements of my story.
p.s. these fries were delicious and listen to this song.


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